What Does This Mean for a Patient with Dry Eye?
If you've been diagnosed with dry eye or meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), you’re not alone, this condition is rapidly growing in prevalence, largely due to modern lifestyle factors. However, navigating the vast amounts of information available online can often be confusing. For example, WebMD still references baby shampoo as a standard dry eye treatment. This advice is outdated, but it's still one of the most searchable articles on the topic. The use of baby shampoo actually decreases the mucin secretion, possibly causing dry eye. This can lead to confusion and incorrect assumptions about treatment, resulting in poor care decisions. Ultimately, this can cause patients to become non-compliant with effective treatments.
When patients receive misinformation or when guidelines shift without full understanding, it creates roadblocks to effective treatment. Non-compliance with the recommended care is a significant barrier to managing dry eye successfully. Many patients fall into the trap of incorrect self-diagnosis or treatment, often exacerbating their condition without realizing it.
Why Is Dry Eye Compliance So Challenging?
At Peeq Pro, we understand that compliance is critical to successfully managing dry eye disease. Through our unique research and patient data, we’ve identified several key reasons why compliance often fails:
1. They Never Buy the Correct Products
Most people fail to purchase the correct products for their eyelid hygiene. Effective products are typically oil-based cleansers (such as tea tree oil or okra oil) that target Demodex mites, which are commonly found on the eyelids of dry eye patients, or hypochlorous acid cleansers that help disinfect the eyelids. Many patients fail to buy any product at all, which leads to worsening symptoms. In vitro and in vivo killing of ocular Demodex by tea tree oil - PMC
2. They Buy the Wrong Products
Even if patients do purchase something, they often buy the wrong product. Such as products not specifically designed for eyelid hygiene. Using the wrong cleanser, or something too harsh for the sensitive skin around the eyes, can cause further irritation and exacerbate symptoms.
3. They Don’t Integrate It into Their Daily Routine
Eyelid hygiene needs to be a consistent, daily practice. Just like brushing your teeth, it should be an automatic part of your morning and evening routines. Unfortunately, many patients will skip this step, especially if they don’t feel immediate symptoms or relief. Non-compliance here can lead to long-term eye damage and the worsening of dry eye symptoms. How to promote and preserve eyelid health - PMC
4. They Fail to Reorder or Replace Products
After their initial treatment or sample runs out, many patients fail to reorder products due to inconvenience, forgetfulness, or a lack of understanding about the importance of ongoing care. Eyelid hygiene isn’t a one-time fix. It’s a long-term commitment that requires regular care to be effective.
5. They Don’t Return for Follow-Up Visits
Another challenge is that many patients fail to return for follow-up appointments to evaluate the progress of their treatment. By skipping these visits, they miss out on important preventative treatments like intense pulse light therapy or prescription medications, both of which could help reduce their symptoms over time.
I’ve Been Diagnosed - What Should I Do Now?
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with dry eye disease or meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), the first thing you should do is start taking action. Dry eye doesn’t get better without consistent care. We recommend starting with three simple steps:
1. Start an Eyelid Hygiene Routine
Eyelid hygiene is an essential part of managing dry eye, and it’s something you should do every day. We recommend using a tea tree oil-based cleanser (unless you have false eyelashes or extensions). Incorporating this into your daily routine will help you manage your dry eye symptoms. Foaming Eyelid & Facial Cleanser for Eyelid Hygiene – Peeq Pro
Here’s how to do it:
- Place the cleanser near where you wash your face, either at the sink or in the shower.
- Use your finger or a soft sponge to apply the cleanser gently across your top and bottom eyelids. Make sure to massage along the lash line to promote healthy meibomian gland function and to reduce Demodex infestations.
We recommend Peeq Pro’s Foaming Eyelid & Facial Cleanser, a gentle and effective cleanser designed specifically for eyelid hygiene. It’s great for keeping the eyelids clean without irritating the sensitive skin around the eyes.
2. Change Your Environment
You can also reduce irritation by modifying your environment. Airflow, especially from fans or air conditioning, can dry out your eyes and worsen symptoms. Consider making the following changes to minimize environmental triggers:
- Rearrange your workspace to reduce exposure to direct airflow from fans or air conditioning vents.
- Change the orientation of your computer screen to reduce glare and minimize strain on your eyes.
These small changes can make a big difference in preventing dryness and irritation.
3. Change Your Behavior
Behavioral changes can also have a positive impact on your dry eye symptoms. Here are a few tips:
- Drink more water to stay hydrated and maintain healthy tear production.
- Take a fish oil supplement to help reduce inflammation and support tear quality. Fish Oil Supplement
- Follow the 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes of screen time, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away to reduce strain.
- Break up screen time into smaller chunks, giving your eyes time to rest and recover.
How Peeq Pro Helps with Compliance
At Peeq Pro, we are in the business of compliance. We understand how difficult it can be for patients to stick with their dry eye care routine, which is why we’ve developed a solution that helps ensure success.
We work directly with your eye care provider to create a customized dry eye protocol that aligns seamlessly with your specific diagnosis and treatment plan. Our approach includes:
- Branded Boxes: We help doctors create personalized dry eye boxes that include everything you need to manage your dry eye, from cleansers to warm compresses.
- Education & Coaching: Compliance isn’t just about selling products, it’s about making sure patients know how and when to use them. We provide educational materials and ongoing coaching to help patients integrate their dry eye routine into their daily life. This includes follow-up emails, texts, and phone consultations to ensure patients are properly caring for their eyes and sticking to their treatment plan.
- Convenience: We offer a subscription service that allows patients to reorder their products easily, ensuring they always have what they need without the hassle of constantly going out to purchase them.
Peeq Pro is more than just a product- it’s a comprehensive, patient-centered solution that improves compliance and enhances dry eye treatment. By working directly with eye care providers, we help ensure that patients stay on track, receive the right treatments, and improve their symptoms over time.