Peeq Pro Blog
Understanding Dry Eye Disease: The TFOS DEWS II...
Understanding Dry Eye Disease: The TFOS DEWS II Definition The rise in dry eye disease (DED) has become impossible to ignore, and it has prompted the eye care community, including...
Understanding Dry Eye Disease: The TFOS DEWS II...
Understanding Dry Eye Disease: The TFOS DEWS II Definition The rise in dry eye disease (DED) has become impossible to ignore, and it has prompted the eye care community, including...
Is Dry Eye Real?
Last night, my wife woke up at 4am because her eyes hurt. She has dry eye. This is one of the reasons that we started Peeq Pro. From almost personal...
Is Dry Eye Real?
Last night, my wife woke up at 4am because her eyes hurt. She has dry eye. This is one of the reasons that we started Peeq Pro. From almost personal...
Case Study: Dry Eye & Acne Treatment—Protecting...
Meet NP, an 18-year-old male who came in for his annual eye exam shortly after starting Accutane, a medication known to reduce oil production and commonly used to treat severe...
Case Study: Dry Eye & Acne Treatment—Protecting...
Meet NP, an 18-year-old male who came in for his annual eye exam shortly after starting Accutane, a medication known to reduce oil production and commonly used to treat severe...
Dry Eye Isn’t Just for Post-Menopausal Women
Case Study: Meet HG, a 38-year-old welder who came to our clinic for his annual eye exam. He’s long been troubled by irritation, burning, watering, and a gritty feeling in...
Dry Eye Isn’t Just for Post-Menopausal Women
Case Study: Meet HG, a 38-year-old welder who came to our clinic for his annual eye exam. He’s long been troubled by irritation, burning, watering, and a gritty feeling in...
My Favorite Boxes at Peeq Industries
My Favorite Boxes at Peeq Industries Regarding eye care solutions, Peeq Industries stands out with its imaginative designs and quality product assortment. As somebody who admires both functionality and aesthetics,...
My Favorite Boxes at Peeq Industries
My Favorite Boxes at Peeq Industries Regarding eye care solutions, Peeq Industries stands out with its imaginative designs and quality product assortment. As somebody who admires both functionality and aesthetics,...
Dr. Cheryl Chapman's Personal Dry Eye Case Study
Meet Dr. Cheryl Chapman, a 47-year-old optometrist with a personal and professional mission rooted in her own long-standing experience with dry eye. Her symptoms began over 15 years ago and...
Dr. Cheryl Chapman's Personal Dry Eye Case Study
Meet Dr. Cheryl Chapman, a 47-year-old optometrist with a personal and professional mission rooted in her own long-standing experience with dry eye. Her symptoms began over 15 years ago and...